Early Access

Early Access
Online Version of Records before inclusion in an issue
These are newly published articles but not yet assigned to an issue. The Early Access service lets users access peer-reviewed articles well before publication in a regular issue. These articles are searchable and citable by their DOI (Digital Object Identifier).
Expression of Concern
Cardiology - Original Articles
Waist circumference and altered metabolic indices are associated with increased resting pulse rate in middle-aged adults
Published: January 10, 2025480PDF_EARLY VIEW: 87 -
Quality of life, compliance with treatment, and challenges among patients undergoing cardiac intervention
Published: December 4, 2024584PDF_EARLY VIEW: 119 -
Lipid-lowering therapy in patients with coronary heart disease: an Italian real-life survey. Results from the Survey on Risk FactOrs and CardiovascuLar secondary prEvention and drug strategieS (SOFOCLES) in Italy
Published: September 10, 2024735PDF_EARLY VIEW: 285 -
Clinical and echocardiographic predictors of outcome in liver transplant patients
Published: August 28, 2024380PDF_EARLY VIEW: 71 -
First-degree atrioventricular block in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy patients: an easy and worthy prognostic marker?
Published: March 6, 20241015PDF_EARLY VIEW: 268 -
Screening of cardiac allograft vasculopathy in heart transplant patients with coronary computed tomography angiography
Published: February 12, 20241034PDF_EARLY VIEW: 268 -
Assessing cardiac resynchronization therapy response in heart failure patients: a comparative analysis of efficacy and outcomes between transvenous and epicardial leads
Published: February 7, 20241066PDF_EARLY VIEW: 185SUPPLEMENTARY: 48 -
Same-day discharge after elective percutaneous closure of patent foramen ovale
Published: February 2, 2024797PDF_EARLY VIEW: 256 -
Cardiovascular magnetic resonance in muscular dystrophies: looking ahead
Published: February 2, 2024656PDF_EARLY VIEW: 244 -
QT interval prolongation in Takotsubo syndrome: a frightening feature with no major prognostic impact
Published: December 6, 2023856PDF_EARLY VIEW: 332 -
Impact of percutaneous coronary intervention on renal function in patients with coronary heart disease
Published: November 2, 2023591PDF_early view: 239
Cardiology - Reviews
Transcatheter edge-to-edge mitral valve repair versus medical therapy for secondary mitral regurgitation: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
Published: February 6, 2025198PDF_EARLY VIEW: 69SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: 7 -
A decade’s summary of transcatheter tricuspid valve repair
Published: July 25, 20244267PDF_EARLY VIEW: 151 -
Exercise training for patients with heart failure and preserved ejection fraction. A narrative review
Published: July 23, 2024646PDF_EARLY VIEW: 275 -
The current paradigm of cardiac troponin increase among athletes
Published: April 30, 2024810PDF_EARLY VIEW: 199 -
COVID myocarditis: a review of the literature
Published: November 3, 2023942PDF_early view: 613
Cardiology - Case Reports
Dual device intervention for stroke prevention and bradycardia: a case report
Published: February 12, 202594PDF_EARLY VIEW: 12 -
Cardiac involvement of Gorlin-Goltz syndrome: new light among the shadows of an old congenital disorder
Published: February 3, 2025150PDF_EARLY VIEW: 29 -
Ghostly intrusion on a frightful Halloween night: a case report of dual valve endocarditis
Published: January 22, 2025184PDF_EARLY VIEW: 43 -
An unexpected and tumultuous diagnosis of a left atrial mass
Published: January 21, 2025243PDF_EARLY VIEW: 34 -
The gatekeeper images in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: the role of native T1 mapping in Anderson-Fabry disease
Published: December 23, 2024492PDF_EARLY VIEW: 129 -
“Hot phase” clinical presentation of biventricular arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy: when the perfect electrical storm spontaneously stops
Published: October 18, 2024502PDF_EARLY VIEW: 193VIDEO 1: 18VIDEO 2: 10VIDEO 3: 16 -
A case of a huge aortic pseudo-aneurysm following aortic bioprosthetic endocarditis: the key role of 3D echocardiography
Published: September 23, 2024240PDF_EARLY VIEW: 91 -
Optimal treatment strategies for coronary heart disease in cancer patients: a complex clinical case
Published: September 12, 2024232PDF_EARLY VIEW: 104 -
An incidental finding of localized aortic arch dissection in a polytraumatized patient. A case report and state of the art of non-A non-B aortic dissection
Published: September 12, 2024216PDF_EARLY VIEW: 82 -
Aortic pseudoaneurysm with a fistula between the non-coronary sinus and right atrium: a case report
Published: August 29, 2024265PDF_EARLY VIEW: 84 -
Severe heart failure and intracardiac thrombosis: going beyond the appearance for diagnosis and treatments
Published: May 2, 2024648PDF_EARLY VIEW: 294 -
Asymptomatic giant ascending aortic aneurysm: a challenging surgical strategy for a silent bicuspid aortopathy
Published: March 18, 2024442PDF_EARLY VIEW: 174 -
Pulmonary edema in a young male with severe uncontrolled cardiovascular risk factors and pan-vascular atherosclerosis: a case report
Published: March 12, 20241420PDF_EARLY VIEW: 321 -
Transplantation of heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia living donor liver resulting in early myocardial infarction: a possible dangerous link
Published: January 16, 2024496PDF_EARLY VIEW: 275 -
TakoTsubo secondary to acute kidney disease
Published: November 6, 2023334PDF_early view: 205
Pneumology - Original Articles
Assessing the key factors contributing to non-adherence to pulmonary tuberculosis treatment: a descriptive study
Published: February 7, 2025171PDF: 63 -
Tobacco prevalence among adults in the urban slums of Delhi: results from a cross-sectional survey
Published: February 5, 202573PDF_EARLY VIEW: 27 -
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and heart failure in real life: the tip of the iceberg in the sea of comorbidities. A prospective observational study
Published: February 4, 2025149PDF_EARLY VIEW: 57 -
Virtual bronchoscopic navigation and guided radial endobronchial ultrasound for peripheral pulmonary lesions: harmonizing modalities to optimize accuracy
Published: January 29, 2025147PDF_EARLY VIEW: 77 -
Role of interleukin-4 receptor α polymorphism in patients with asthma and its correlation with asthma severity
Published: January 27, 2025129PDF_EARLY VIEW: 96 -
Significance of N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide levels in lung cancer
Published: January 27, 2025227PDF_EARLY VIEW: 60 -
Inhaled corticosteroids in asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease combined phenotype: when to use and what to expect?
Published: January 22, 2025383PDF_EARLY VIEW: 183 -
Frequency of viral etiology in community-acquired pneumonia
Published: January 17, 2025312PDF_EARLY VIEW: 99SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: 8 -
Smoking patterns and outcomes of severe sars-CoV-2 infection: a retrospective cohort study
Published: January 17, 2025233PDF_EARLY VIEW: 52SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: 11 -
An epidemiological assessment of health status among a cohort of tuberculosis survivors: prospective research in a western Indian city
Published: January 10, 2025351PDF_EARLY VIEW: 23 -
Longitudinal changes in the 6-minute walk test and the Glittre-activities of daily living test in adults with cystic fibrosis
Published: January 9, 2025476PDF_EARLY VIEW: 65 -
Prevalence and predictors of suboptimal peak inspiratory flow rates in the management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Published: December 24, 2024302PDF_EARLY VIEW: 102 -
Prescription patterns and drug utilization in respiratory tract infections: implications for antimicrobial stewardship at a tertiary care teaching hospital
Published: December 23, 2024312PDF_EARLY VIEW: 94SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: 10 -
Evaluation of the efficacy of convalescent plasma in moderate to severe COVID-19 during 2020-2021: a retrospective observational study
Published: December 20, 2024379PDF_EARLY VIEW: 75SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: 10 -
A study of N-acetyltransferase 2 gene polymorphisms in the Indian population and its relationship with serum isoniazid concentrations in a cohort of tuberculosis patients
Published: December 19, 2024212PDF_EARLY VIEW: 57SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: 12 -
Efficacy of povidone-iodine as an effective pleurodesing agent: an experience from a teaching hospital
Published: December 18, 2024335PDF_EARLY VIEW: 94 -
Diagnostic accuracy of cancer ratio and other new parameters in differentiating malignant from benign pleural effusions
Published: December 6, 2024237PDF_EARLY VIEW: 66SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: 5 -
Comparison of diagnostic yield and safety of endobronchial ultrasound-guided mediastinal lymph nodal cryobiopsy and endobronchial ultrasound-guided Franseen tip needle biopsy
Published: December 6, 2024229PDF_EARLY VIEW: 67SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: 8 -
Small airway involvement in severe asthma: how common is it and what are its implications?
Published: December 4, 2024433PDF_EARLY VIEW: 111 -
Correlation of distance walked in audio signal-modified shuttle walk test with six-minute walk test
Published: December 2, 2024455PDF_EARLY VIEW: 76 -
Evaluation of health-related quality of life in respiratory disease patients in a tertiary care teaching hospital
Published: November 28, 2024404PDF: 61 -
Quitting tobacco through quitline services: impact in India
Published: November 21, 2024308PDF_EARLY VIEW: 85 -
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the clinical features of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: an observational cross-sectional study
Published: November 20, 2024573PDF_EARLY VIEW: 99SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: 6 -
Prediction of spirometry outcome in Croatian patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Published: November 15, 2024406PDF_EARLY VIEW: 91SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: 23 -
Clinical profile, risk factors, disease severity, and outcome for COVID-19 disease in patients with tuberculosis on treatment under the National Tuberculosis Elimination Program: a cohort of 1400 patients
Published: November 8, 2024590PDF_EARLY VIEW: 77SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: 5 -
Diffuse alveolar hemorrhage: a retrospective study from a tertiary care center
Published: October 28, 2024506PDF_EARLY VIEW: 57 -
Common epidermal growth factor receptor mutations in north Indian patients with non-small cell lung carcinoma: evidence from real-time polymerase chain reaction
Published: October 25, 2024942PDF_EARLY VIEW: 112 -
Flexible bronchoscopy-assisted removal of aspirated scarf pins from the tracheobronchial tree: the experience of 146 subjects
Published: October 25, 2024499PDF_EARLY VIEW: 85 -
Respiratory rate-oxygenation index on the 3rd day is the best predictor of treatment failure in COVID-19 patients
Published: October 24, 2024524PDF_EARLY VIEW: 118SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: 9 -
Evaluation of asthma control after reinforcement of proper inhaler techniques in a tertiary care center in northern India
Published: October 21, 2024701PDF_EARLY VIEW: 84SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: 8 -
Psychological morbidity and quality of life of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis
Published: October 16, 2024303PDF_EARLY VIEW: 117 -
Fibrotic outcomes from SARS-CoV-2 virus interstitial pneumonia
Published: October 16, 20241046PDF_EARLY VIEW: 101 -
Real-world effectiveness and safety of handheld ultrasound in pleural procedures
Published: October 3, 2024279PDF_EARLY VIEW: 76 -
Hematological and clinical profiling of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a comprehensive study
Published: September 30, 2024396PDF_EARLY VIEW: 96 -
Serum vitamin D levels and the severity and clinical course of COVID-19
Published: September 26, 2024241PDF_EARLY VIEW: 130 -
Relationship between symptoms and results on spirometry in adults seen in non-tertiary public health facilities presenting with preserved ratio impaired spirometry
Published: September 16, 2024414PDF_EARLY VIEW: 122 -
Quality of life and its determinants in patients with chronic respiratory diseases in the Fes-Meknes region, Morocco
Published: September 12, 2024454PDF_EARLY VIEW: 76SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: 11 -
Willingness to pay for a tobacco-free life: a contingent valuation assessment
Published: August 30, 2024268PDF_EARLY VIEW: 94SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: 16 -
Italian survey on the effectiveness of halotherapy administered via the Aerosal® system
Published: August 29, 2024894PDF_EARLY VIEW: 820 -
An in-depth investigation of serum Krebs von den Lungen-6 and other biomarkers in COVID-19 severity and mortality
Published: July 26, 2024415PDF_EARLY VIEW: 130SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: 21 -
Survival among patients with lung cancer managed at a tertiary care center in North India
Published: July 26, 2024399PDF_EARLY VIEW: 219 -
Role of GeneXpert in the diagnosis of extrapulmonary tuberculosis
Published: July 25, 2024332PDF_EARLY VIEW: 171 -
Active versus latent pulmonary tuberculosis: which one is the appropriate distinguishing biomarker?
Published: July 25, 2024299PDF_EARLY VIEW: 116SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: 12 -
Additional yield of transbronchial cryo-node biopsy over endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration for mediastinal lesions at a tertiary care center in India (COLD-FORCEPS-2 study)
Published: July 24, 2024395PDF_EARLY VIEW: 127SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: 35 -
Spirometry findings of chronic lung disease in high-altitude residents of Ladakh (>11,000 feet above sea level)
Published: July 24, 2024401PDF_EARLY VIEW: 100 -
Impaired glycemic control as a risk factor for reduced lung function in the Indian diabetic population
Published: July 24, 2024339PDF_EARLY VIEW: 63 -
Study of risk factors and clinical management of patients with clinical non-response due to low plasma levels of anti-tubercular drugs
Published: July 23, 2024378PDF_EARLY VIEW: 131 -
Prognostic value of the oxygenation index measured during mechanical ventilation and weaning. A retrospective cohort study
Published: July 23, 2024481PDF_EARLY VIEW: 120 -
Hormonal harmony disrupted: hypothyroidism and diabetes mellitus in interstitial lung disease. An observational study
Published: July 23, 20244039PDF_EARLY VIEW: 188 -
Clinical characteristics of non-sleepy obstructive sleep apnea patients: a study in a tertiary care sleep clinic in India
Published: May 10, 2024845PDF_EARLY VIEW: 229SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: 22 -
Rehabilitation in obstructive sleep apnea: an ignored treatment adjunct
Published: May 7, 2024544PDF_EARLY VIEW: 260 -
Exploring factors influencing the health-related quality of life of tuberculosis patients: a WHOQOL-BREF-based study
Published: April 30, 2024522PDF_EARLY VIEW: 190 -
Smoking cessation among tuberculosis patients during the coronavirus disease-2019 pandemic
Published: April 24, 2024419PDF_EARLY VIEW: 178 -
Existence and pattern of sleep-related breathing disorders in patients diagnosed with bronchial asthma
Published: April 23, 2024354PDF_EARLY VIEW: 200 -
Diaphragmatic morphological post-mortem findings in critically ill COVID-19 patients: an observational study
Published: April 23, 2024428PDF_EARLY VIEW: 166SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: 17 -
Pneumocystis pneumonia in HIV-positive and non-HIV patients: a retrospective comparative study from a lower-middle income country
Published: April 3, 2024430PDF_EARLY VIEW: 195 -
Postoperative pulmonary complications in patients undergoing upper abdominal surgery: risk factors and predictive models
Published: March 25, 20244428PDF_EARLY VIEW: 377 -
Prevalence and risk factors for chronic pulmonary aspergillosis in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients with acute exacerbations
Published: March 21, 2024779PDF_EARLY VIEW: 326 -
A nomogram to predict lung cancer in pulmonary lesions for tuberculosis infection patients
Published: March 13, 2024500PDF_EARLY VIEW: 241 -
Diagnostic accuracy of daytime polysomnography: a reappraisal during the COVID-19 era
Published: February 29, 2024449PDF_EARLY VIEW: 187 -
Role of detailed psychological evaluation and treatment in pulmonary rehabilitation programs for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Published: February 27, 2024894PDF_EARLY VIEW: 438 -
Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Iran: a multicenter study
Published: January 12, 2024620PDF_EARLY VIEW: 280 -
Economic burden of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in Morocco: a cost of illness study
Published: January 15, 2024820PDF_EARLY VIEW: 323 -
Tailored treatment for tuberculosis in transgender individuals: a call for a patient-centered approach from a large Italian cohort
Published: January 11, 2024423PDF_EARLY VIEW: 257 -
Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis: radiological and microbiological profile of patients presented in an outpatient pulmonary clinic in a developing country
Published: December 7, 2023570PDF_EARLY VIEW: 287 -
The ability of the Rehabilitation Complexity Scale (RCS) to capture disability in respiratory patients admitted for in-hospital rehabilitation
Published: November 21, 2023931PDF_early view: 333 -
Elucidating diagnostic efficacy and safety of the procedure: cryobiopsy of endobronchial lesions with a flexible bronchoscope
Published: November 20, 2023594PDF_early view: 192 -
Diabetes mellitus in acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease – the tip of the iceberg
Published: November 6, 2023806PDF_early view: 291 -
Serial evaluation of antibody titres in patients recovered from COVID-19 and their correlation with disease severity
Published: November 3, 2023514PDF_early view: 221 -
Assessment of left ventricular function in subjects with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Published: October 16, 2023598PDF_early view: 263 -
PDL1 and molecular biomarkers expression in non-small cell lung cancer in Tunisian patients
Published: November 3, 2023701PDF_early view: 475 -
Retrospective analysis of epidemiologic features and clinical course of COVID-19 patients and comparison between vaccinated and unvaccinated patients
Published: October 19, 2023590PDF_early view: 278 -
Comparison among three different follow-up models for obstructive sleep apnea syndrome patients: focus on the physiotherapist’s role
Published: October 4, 2023625PDF_early view: 340Supplementary: 31 -
RETRACTED: Prescription analysis emphasizing on medication adherence of antibiotics for lower respiratory tract infection
Published: August 7, 20231005PDF_early view: 269 -
Retraction: Prescription analysis emphasizing on medication adherence of antibiotics for lower respiratory tract infection
Published: December 27, 2023267PDF: 152
Pneumology - Reviews
Mucus production and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, a possible treatment target: zooming in on N-acetylcysteine
Published: January 14, 2025349PDF: 140 -
Incipient and subclinical tuberculosis: a narrative review
Published: January 8, 2025520PDF_EARLY VIEW: 253SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: 12 -
Peripheral pulmonary lesion: novel approaches in endoscopic guidance systems and a state-of-the-art review
Published: December 20, 2024505PDF: 142 -
Gene polymorphisms and risk of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Published: October 29, 2024667PDF_EARLY VIEW: 179SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: 10 -
The impact of COVID-19 infection on idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis mortality: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Published: October 15, 2024546PDF_EARLY VIEW: 167SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: 7 -
Prevalence, risk factors and clinical impact of burnout in internal medicine units: a call to action
Published: October 9, 2024624PDF_EARLY VIEW: 145 -
Respiratory syncytial virus: an overview of clinical manifestations and management in the Indian pediatric population
Published: October 4, 2024338PDF_EARLY VIEW: 135 -
Combination treatment with monoclonal antibodies for the management of severe asthma and immune-mediated inflammatory diseases: a comprehensive review
Published: October 7, 2024781PDF_EARLY VIEW: 214SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: 29 -
Assessing disease activity in scleroderma-related interstitial lung disease: a review and practical guide to management
Published: September 25, 2024613PDF_EARLY VIEW: 288 -
Infective pulmonary diseases and the eye: a narrative review
Published: September 10, 2024529PDF_EARLY VIEW: 243 -
SARS-CoV-2 JN.1 variant: a short review
Published: August 30, 2024494PDF_EARLY VIEW: 223 -
Prevalence of tuberculosis among healthcare workers in India: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Published: August 30, 20241738PDF_EARLY VIEW: 232 -
The role of immunotherapy in patients with lung cancer and brain metastases: a narrative review of the literature
Published: July 26, 2024354PDF_EARLY VIEW: 135 -
A bibliometric analysis of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulators
Published: July 24, 2024533PDF_EARLY VIEW: 135SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: 18 -
New noninvasive modalities in long-term pediatric ventilation: a scoping review
Published: July 23, 2024391PDF_EARLY VIEW: 130SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: 14 -
Prevalence of extrapulmonary tuberculosis among people living with HIV/AIDS in Southeast Asia: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Published: July 23, 2024604PDF_EARLY VIEW: 221SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: 19 -
Latent tuberculosis diagnostics: current scenario and review
Published: May 3, 2024898PDF_EARLY VIEW: 429 -
Vocal resonance: a narrative review
Published: April 3, 20241143PDF_EARLY VIEW: 287 -
Smoking cessation and its significant role in the Indian scenario
Published: December 4, 20231002PDF_EARLY VIEW: 548 -
Unveiling vaccine safety: a narrative review of pharmacovigilance in India's COVID-19 vaccination
Published: December 1, 2023763PDF_EARLY VIEW: 320
Pneumology - Systematic Reviews
Thoracoscopic blood patch instillation for persistent air leak in pneumothorax: a case series and systematic review
Published: April 5, 2024539PDF_EARLY VIEW: 229
Pneumology - Case Reports
Pulmonary infection with an unusual microorganism
Published: November 25, 2024212PDF_EARLY VIEW: 81 -
Mycobacterium chimaera: a case report from Italy
Published: September 13, 2024529PDF_EARLY VIEW: 154 -
Gluteal muscle metastases from malignant pleural mesothelioma: a case report
Published: May 9, 2024459PDF_EARLY VIEW: 130 -
Treatment of benign endobronchial tumors: when, how, and why. Insights, experiences, and interventional pulmonology strategies
Published: May 9, 2024305PDF_EARLY VIEW: 157 -
Repeated chest wall reconstruction after resection of a sternal chondroid chordoma with long-term postoperative infection of the reconstructive material
Published: December 15, 2023342PDF_EARLY VIEW: 124 -
SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia and Eisenmenger’s Syndrome: doubling the challenge
Published: November 6, 2023563PDF_early view: 257
Physiotherapy - Original Articles
Feasibility of high-frequency percussions in people with severe acquired brain injury and tracheostomy: an observational study
Published: January 17, 2024683PDF_EARLY VIEW: 375
Physiotherapy - Reviews
Downhill: a new rehabilitation frontier. A systematic review of the literature
Published: January 16, 2025313PDF: 119SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: 9
Physiotherapy - Case Reports
Respiratory and physical therapy in the intensive care unit after liver transplantation for acute-on-chronic liver failure: a case report
Published: September 10, 2024713PDF_EARLY VIEW: 210
Letters to the Editor
Novel tuberculosis skin tests for detecting latent tuberculosis infection
Published: November 4, 2024381PDF_EARLY VIEW: 96 -
Electronic cigarettes: a harm reduction option for smokers?
Published: September 25, 2024269PDF_EARLY VIEW: 137 -
Evaluation of patients’ satisfaction with domiciliary biological treatment in severe asthma: a Portuguese survey
Published: March 20, 2024388PDF_EARLY VIEW: 167 -
Authors’ Response
Published: February 14, 2024337PDF_EARLY VIEW: 134 -
Comments on “QT interval prolongation in Takotsubo syndrome: a frightening feature with no major prognostic impact”
Published: February 1, 2024274PDF_EARLY VIEW: 135 -
Authors’ Response
Published: December 15, 2023264PDF_EARLY VIEW: 104 -
Comments on “Tako-Tsubo syndrome in patients with COVID-19: a single centre retrospective case series”
Published: December 7, 2023301PDF_EARLY VIEW: 174 -
Authors’ Response
Published: November 9, 2023242PDF_Early View: 113