Cardiology - Editorial
Choosing Wisely, the reasons for its success
Published: June 12, 20191610PDF: 825
Cardiology - Reviews
Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction in elderly. From pathophysiology to treatment: an unresolved problem
Published: May 31, 20192367PDF: 2077 -
The complex interaction between atrial fibrillation and heart failure in elderly patients
Published: June 4, 20193140PDF: 1643 -
Extended dual antiplatelet therapy after acute myocardial infarction. Current evidence and future perspectives
Published: July 4, 20191779PDF: 960
Cardiology - Original Articles
Macro- and microvascular functions in cystic fibrosis adults without cardiovascular risk factors: A case-control study
Published: May 20, 20192019PDF: 1206 -
Aortic root and valve proportions: an example of the golden ratio?
Published: July 15, 20191555PDF: 793
Pneumology - Original Articles
Cardiology - Case Reports
Mediastinal debulking for a T-cell leukaemia/lymphoma presenting with cardiac tamponade
Published: May 20, 20191212PDF: 658
Pneumology - Case Reports
Postero-apical thoracic schwannoma with cervical extension resected by complete video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery
Published: May 30, 20191090PDF: 650 -
Treatment of EGFR positive lung adenocarcinoma in a heart transplanted patient
Published: May 30, 20191351PDF: 807 -
Spontaneous hemothorax and neurofibromatosis type 1: How to explain it, how to explore it and how to treat it?
Published: June 4, 20191262PDF: 792 -
Metastatic cancer mimics interstitial lung disease. Cases when we need fast diagnosis and treatment
Published: June 4, 20191528PDF: 908 -
An uncommon cause of diffuse alveolar hemorrhage in a young male
Published: June 6, 20191500PDF: 754 -
Acute fibrinous organizing pneumonia: a rare lung pathology
Published: June 6, 20191867PDF: 1003 -
Diagnostic utility of PET/CT in a patient with miliary tuberculosis
Published: June 11, 20191506PDF: 873 -
Splenic artery aneurysm in Sjögren’s syndrome
Published: July 8, 20191236PDF: 791