Search Results
Found 231 items.
Endothelial function as a marker of pre-clinical atherosclerosis: assessment techniques and clinical implications
Published: November 25, 20151696PDF: 1663 -
The role of noninvasive methods in assessing airway inflammation and structural changes in asthma and COPD
Published: December 3, 20151228PDF: 677 -
Is obesity still a coronary risk factor?
Published: February 1, 20161098PDF: 691 -
Left ventricular function in rheumatoid arthritis during anti-TNF-α treatment: a speckle tracking prospective echocardiographic study
Published: June 22, 20161862PDF: 910 -
Reticulocytes in untreated Obstructive Sleep Apnoea
Published: January 26, 2016661PDF: 492 -
Activity and analysis of costs in a dedicated weaning centre
Published: January 26, 2016745PDF: 1436 -
Point-of-care test for tuberculosis: a boon in diagnosis
Published: April 28, 20231871PDF: 731 -
Hospitalisation for COPD in Puglia: the role of hospital discharge database to estimate prevalence and incidence
Published: January 26, 2016698PDF: 432 -
Raised homocystein plasma concentration in patients with Heart Failure: clinical significance
Published: February 1, 2016739PDF: 730 -
The correlation between endothelin-1 levels and spirometry in dialysis patients compared to healthy subjects
Published: November 25, 2015861PDF: 586 -
Sharing knowledge is the key to success in a patient-physician relationship: how to produce a patient information leaflet on COPD
Published: January 26, 2016903PDF: 556 -
Presentation of the Psycho-Cardiological Schedule and convergence levels analyses among the psycho-cardiological screening and the psychological assessment
Published: December 1, 2015895PDF: 596 -
Cultural and linguistic testing of the Handling Questionnaire: a specific instrument for assessing the patient’s acceptability of dry powder inhalers
Published: January 26, 2016651PDF: 464 -
Validation of lung densitometry threshold at CT for the distinction between senile lung and emphysema in elderly subjects
Published: December 10, 20151359PDF: 651 -
Sex and gender differences in tobacco smoking among adolescents in French secondary schools
Published: January 26, 2016846PDF: 572 -
Successful treatment of persistent postoperative air leaks following the placement of an endobronchial one-way valve
Published: January 19, 2016825PDF: 572 -
GOLD severity stratification and risk of hospitalisation for COPD exacerbations
Published: January 26, 20161997PDF: 1044 -
Non-invasive methods to assess biomarkers of exposure and early stage of pulmonary disease in smoking subjects
Published: January 26, 2016751PDF: 559 -
Temporal Changes in Lung Cancer: A 10-year Study in a Chest Hospital
Published: January 26, 2016598PDF: 473 -
Red cell distribution width and chronic heart failure: prognostic role beyond echocardiographic parameters
Published: June 22, 20161858PDF: 916 -
Treatment of iatrogenic and traumatic tracheal disruptions
Published: January 26, 2016685PDF: 465 -
Time to culture conversion in smokers with pulmonary tuberculosis
Published: January 21, 2016890PDF: 479 -
Prevalence of asthma-like symptoms by ISAAC video questionnaire in Mozambican schoolchildren
Published: February 10, 2016680PDF: 500 -
Carbon dioxide rebreathing in non-invasive ventilation. Analysis of masks, expiratory ports and ventilatory modes
Published: January 26, 2016933PDF: 984 -
The value of transbronchial lung biopsy using jumbo forceps via rigid bronchoscope in diffuse lung disease
Published: January 26, 2016836PDF: 591 -
The value of exfoliative cell cytology in the diagnosis of exudative pleural effusions
Published: September 11, 20181342PDF: 859 -
Psychological disorders after coronary artery by-pass surgery: a one-year prospective study
Published: January 19, 20161064PDF: 751 -
Exercise training improves erectile dysfunction (ED) in patients with metabolic syndrome on phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE-5) inhibitors
Published: December 30, 20132084PDF: 1080 -
Epicardial adipose tissue and insulin resistance in patients with coronary artery disease with or without left ventricular dysfunction
Published: December 30, 20131520PDF: 861 -
Training and practice in bronchoscopy. A national survey in Italy
Published: December 30, 20131033PDF: 756 -
Cynical hostility and the metabolic syndrome: A case-control study
Published: February 4, 20161054PDF: 478 -
Grading the severity of obstruction in patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and morbid obesity
Published: December 30, 2013929PDF: 810 -
BNP-guided therapy optimizes the timing of discharge and the medium term risk stratification in patients admitted for congestive heart failure
Published: February 1, 20161008PDF: 655 -
Clearance of technetium-99m-DTPA in pulmonary sarcoidosis
Published: February 11, 2016548PDF: 409 -
Health-related quality of life, lung function and dyspnea rating in COPD patients
Published: December 30, 20131447PDF: 906 -
Underuse of spirometry by general practitioners for the diagnosis of COPD in Italy
Published: March 30, 20051340PDF: 872 -
Gender similarity in low agreement between written and video ISAAC asthma questionnaires
Published: February 10, 2016496PDF: 390 -
Stromelysin-1 polymorphism as a new potential risk factor in progression of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Published: January 25, 2016808PDF: 426 -
Metabolic syndrome and related dietary intervention among patients with coronary and peripheral arterial disease attending cardiovascular rehabilitation programs
Published: January 26, 2016780PDF: 576 -
Role of a multidisciplinary program in improving outcomes in cognitively impaired heart failure older patients
Published: December 3, 20151554PDF: 805 -
Cardiovascular Risk Profile and Lifestyle Habits in a Cohort of Italian Cardiologists. Results of the SOCRATES Survey
Published: November 25, 20151279PDF: 692 -
Mitomycin, ifosfamide, cisplatin for non-small cell lung cancer: an implementation study
Published: December 30, 2005807PDF: 412 -
Persistent airway inflammation and high exacerbation rate in asthma that starts at menopause
Published: February 3, 2016924PDF: 520 -
Epidemiology of Pulmonary Embolism in Apulia from analysis of current data
Published: January 19, 2016731PDF: 544 -
Left ventricular geometric patterns and cardiac function in patients with chronic renal failure undergoing hemodialysis
Published: March 30, 2005627PDF: 789 -
Into the cognitive constructs related to adherence to treatment in CHD outpatients: the importance of accepting the disease limitations
Published: January 19, 2016995PDF: 497 -
Exercise training reduces high mobility group box-1 protein levels in women with breast cancer: findings from the DIANA-5 study
Published: August 20, 20151739PDF: 1232 -
Predictors of mortality in patients with Eisenmenger syndrome and admission to the lung transplantation waiting list
Published: December 30, 2004525PDF: 380