Cardiology - Original Articles
Current activities of Cardiovascular Rehabilitation in the ambulatory setting of the Lombardy Region
Published: June 22, 20161087PDF: 504 -
Standard of care and guidelines in prevention and diagnosis of venous thromboembolism: medico-legal implications
Published: June 22, 20161082PDF: 719 -
Red cell distribution width and chronic heart failure: prognostic role beyond echocardiographic parameters
Published: June 22, 20161850PDF: 911
Cardiac Area - Seminar SICGe-GICR
Arterial hypertension: which targets in over-75-year people?
Published: June 22, 20161551PDF: 868 -
Cardiovascular health of the elderly
Published: June 22, 2016905PDF: 659 -
Hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia and glycemic variability in the elderly: a fatal triad?
Published: June 22, 20163975PDF: 2218 -
Aging clinical problems: a difficult balance between age and frailty
Published: June 22, 20162327PDF: 1595 -
Cholesterol: until which age 'the lower the better'?
Published: June 22, 20161566PDF: 876 -
Aspirin use for primary prevention in elderly patients
Published: June 22, 20162514PDF: 1376 -
High blood pressure and syncope: orthostatic hypotension as a link
Published: June 22, 20162864PDF: 1857 -
High blood pressure in older subjects with cognitive impairment
Published: June 22, 20161358PDF: 922 -
Barriers to cardiac rehabilitation access of older heart failure patients and strategies for better implementation
Published: June 22, 20163488PDF: 1836 -
Are clinical trial results transferable in the real life?
Published: June 22, 20161242PDF: 574 -
Cardiac rehabilitation is safe and effective also in the elderly, but don't forget about drugs!
Published: June 22, 20162069PDF: 1028 -
Resistance training and sarcopenia
Published: June 22, 201624717PDF: 13878 -
Cardiopulmonary rehabilitation in patiens with heart failure and chronic pulmonary disease
Published: June 22, 20162288PDF: 1350