Search Results
Found 13 items.
Arterial hypertension. Does the J curve exist? And then?
Published: June 7, 20183243PDF: 677 -
Current multivariate risk scores in patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery
Published: July 18, 20172731PDF: 1452 -
Arterial hypertension: which targets in over-75-year people?
Published: June 22, 20161559PDF: 869 -
Preoperative evaluation before non cardiac surgery in subjects older than 65 years
Published: August 19, 20151353PDF: 1765 -
Cardiovascular risk prediction in the real world. The discouraging evidences coming from literature
Published: December 1, 2015955PDF: 943 -
High thrombotic risk increases adverse clinical events up to 5 years after acute myocardial infarction. A nationwide retrospective cohort study
Published: November 21, 20191130PDF: 626Supplementary: 180 -
Secondary cardiovascular prevention in clinical practice: what do we need today?
Published: September 30, 20191275PDF: 838 -
Referral from vascular surgery to cardiovascular rehabilitation and related outcomes in patients with peripheral arterial disease: the THINKPAD-RELOADED survey
Published: September 18, 20191728PDF: 924 -
Utility and limitations of ejection fraction and of diastolic dysfunction in heart failure patients
Published: April 8, 20191880PDF: 1398 -
Awareness and appropriateness of the management of preclinical heart failure in outpatient clinics in Italy: Insights from the VASTISSIMO study - EValuation of the AppropriateneSs of The preclInical phase (Stage A and Stage B) of Heart FaIlure Management in Outpatient Clinics in Italy
Published: March 20, 20191674PDF: 967Supplementary: 0 -
COVID-19 pandemic: what consequences for cardiac rehabilitation?
Published: April 16, 20204257PDF: 2414
1 - 13 of 13 items